Module 4 Win/Win for the world!



Welcome back my fellow recyclers! I assume if you are still with me then you have already contacted your schools in the local area. My goal here is still to raise awareness about the amounts of trash that can be recycled in American school districts. “This week I am to prove that Texas landfills will completely fill up within the next 56 years!” (Take Care of Texas, 2018) I aim to prove “You may end up saving your school money on waste disposal costs. Some school districts have saved thousands of dollars a year by implementing recycling programs.” (Take Care of Texas, 2018). Recycling is a Win/Win situation for all parties involved. Not only does it help with our landfills but also it helps protect our environment as stated in previous blog posts.

            Not only should you care based on your values but also you should know its against Texas law to not recycle in government programs. As seen here “The governmental entity recycling and purchasing of recycled materials rules are found in Title 30 Chapter 328 Subchapter K. The rules were required under Texas Health and Safety Code 361.425 and 361.426.” (Pollution Prevention Program, 2020) Speaking with those around you will require courage and a purpose. This purpose and set of principals will prove vital to creating a program in your local school district.

            I must empower those local activists to seek out their school's current recycling program and find out what it entails. There is only so much space that is devoted to landfills across the United States. IF you are an educator and you currently and your school has a recycling program you can encourage you to follow the green education foundation. They state “Assess your school’s current hauling contract: does the waste hauler currently provide a recycling service for the school? If so, what is being recycled? If not, can recycling be provided? If recycling can’t be provided by this hauler, are there others available that can provide this service?” (Staff, 2018)

            If you (the reader) are an educator I implore you to use the win/win mentality with your school and with the community. Recycling helps each and every one of us in the future by limiting the unnecessary waste from entering landfills. I challenge students to ask their teachers about their school's current recycling programs. I challenge teachers to question their directors about how their school can be better at recycling. Finally, I challenge parents and the community to speak up for what is a win for all of us (including the environment) and recycle today!


OF TEXAS, T. (2018, September 27). You can recycle at school. Retrieved February 10, 2021, from

Pollution Prevention Program, T. (2020). Governmental entity recycling program. Retrieved February 10, 2021, from

Staff, G. (2018). Join gef now! Retrieved February 10, 2021, from

Media Reference

NH, C. (2019, November 07). Pledge to recycle better for chance to win concord trash bags. Retrieved February 10, 2021, from
