Module 2 Internal Compass
Welcome to the highly anticipated weekly blog. I am so glad to have you back for this week’s installment of green material. Today I focus on the results or the vision of these posts which illustrates the starting of school recycling programs across the United States. “Annual school waste totals well over 530,000 tons of food with a staggering 45 million gallons of milk also wasted. This leads to an estimated whopping $1.7 billion lost total.” (Neese, 2020) This continues on from our previous week's issue by showing the waste in just food products and also by restating our goal to reduce the amount of waste created at schools and prevent it from reaching landfills.
The intent is to reach school
teachers, administrators, and even directors of school districts. There are programs
that exist to start recycling programs in schools and limit the waste sent to
landfills such as On their site, they state “Before a
recycling program can be developed and implemented at your school, buy-in must
occur at the top level of administrators and staff.” (Green Team, 2020) The Green
Team has a packet which I have placed down below in the reference section that
can help you push this to your schools. We must be the change we hope to see in
our students as we see from Steven Covey “I can tie myself to limitless
potential instead of limiting my past” (Covey, 1999, p. 50)
If you are still reading this then chances
are your personal mission statement falls somewhere near mine. There is so much
to be done and so many resources out there to help us achieve this vision to
limit unnecessary waste from entering our landfills. I have found my mission
statement which is “Create daily and never go empty” Simply put we all create
our days and its what we do with that time in the day that separates us and
helps us feel full. There is no task to large for you to get involved in and
not time too short.
Now, this week’s blog comes to a
close I challenge you (the reader) to find out what your mission statement is. Do
your values and beliefs point you towards this cause? Have you researched what
programs your schools have in place in your local area? These are all basic
things you can do to get involved. If you are an educator or and organization
who has been sent to this blog, I challenge you to reach out so we can try to
make the world a better place together!
Covey, S. (1999). The 7
habits of highly effective people. London: Simon & Schuster.
Neese, A. (2020, February
17). Composting, recycling by more central Ohio schools cut landfill garbage.
Retrieved January 27, 2021, from
Team, G. (2013, May 09).
The Green Team. Retrieved January 27, 2021, from
News, W. (2010, November 20). Minnesota schools seek ways to reduce garbage [Digital image]. Retrieved January 26, 2021, from
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